Monday, October 08, 2007


Can you believe we are raking leaves in shorts?!

I told my husband...we shouldn't be sweating raking these feels like July! The boys were REALLY hot so they made me "transport" them via the Red Rider to and from the giant leaf pile!

Once we got in the leaf pile...the fun only lasted 3 minutes the boys were sweaty leading to leaves ALL OVER themselves...we will go back out when it finally feels like October - but hey I got good pictures out of it!! =)


Mari said...

You raked too soon - It's better today. Cute pictures, cute boys.

Brad and Jill said...

nice talky blogs w/ ceci..."i'm so stuck in the black that i can't get out"...


now you should start some plot lines in your talky blog...kinda like a blog-soap. it just might be the next big thing!

Anonymous said...

Mandy, ready for a new one from you, but this is very cute!