So I am entitled to one or two sad days a month right? Today is one of those...come to think of it, yesterday was one too - so I think I met my quota for the month...good thing it's February tomorrow!!
I feel a little tired and run down. Kids have been sick which means late hours for me and Rod and I have been "nesting" for some reason - want to clean all the time - which all adds up to not much sleep so I feel just junky. I even went to bed at 8:30 last night, and if you know me at all, you know my head doesn't see the pillow until at least 10 or 11 each night so I must have been really tired...especially to miss "24"!!! My husband and I have a date night each Monday to watch that together and yesterday he watched 24 alone while I slept on the couch...I think I got the better end of that deal!! =)
I started a new routine this week at Flex Fitness. KILLING ME!!! I told Shawn from Flex that my body was sore...UNDERSTATEMENT!!! It's hard to get out of my chair!!! =) I literally feel like I did when I was pregnant and you try to get out of your chair and you need to kind of put a little oomph into it and will yourself out of the chair...that's what it feels like!! But in a way, it's cool to feel all the muscles...as sore as they are...working and know that in a few weeks...they are going to just be fabulous!!!
Have a good day!!!
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