Well here I am -
Wanted you to meet me and my family.
My husband Rod, My oldest son Jack (4) and my little "O-ball"...2 year old Owen!
They are a big part of this too, as we begin a journey as a family to a healtheir us!!
I have struggled with weight my whole life.
This picture was a "skinnier" me. I am always fluctuating...I am always dieting! I have tried every diet you can POSSIBLY think of. They even have an ice-cream diet...which is more like an ice-cream fest - I didn't lose any weight, but I did have a lot of fun!! I have the arm fat, the "muffin-top" or "back fat" as my girlfriends and I call it...I need to lose about 30 lbs and I am ready to do it!
Now maybe you don't believe me, but let me just list some of the diets I have tried in the past.
Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss, Counting Calories, The Peanut Butter Diet, The 72 Hour Fat Flush, The California Diet, Slim Fast, Atkins, South Beach, E-diets and the list goes on. All of these diets have helped me lose weight...none of them have worked in the long term.
Now kids had a lot to do with this. I have lost and gained over 200 pds since my children were born in 2001 and 2003. Since Owen's birth, I have been struggling. When New Year's Eve rolled around this year I said this is IT!!! That is when Shawn from Flex Fitness and I began talking about a plan he has to not only change your body, but change your life.
I cannot believe that I am almost 30 and I don't know how to eat right! It's crazy to me...but I think that when there is SO much out there - eat this and you will lose weight, cut out bread, eat bread, don't eat peanut butter....eat as MUCH peanut butter as you can - WHAT DO YOU DO!?! As Shawn and I began talking, he opened my eyes to a lot of things and made me want to find out more about his outlook on food, fitness and how it all fits together!
I attended an orientation at Flex Fitness in Holland a week ago today. It cost only $20 and we spent an hour and a half in a "metabolic orientation" We talked about the 3 things it takes to be effective in the long term - 1. supportive nutrition 2. aerobic activity and 3. a concern for muscle.
Looking up at the diets above, I realized that I NEVER incorporated all 3 of these together. Maybe one or two of them...but I never put it all together. Now some of you may be saying...IT'S SO SIMPLE!!!! and I know that it is, but sometimes you have to hear things hundreds of times before it finally clicks you know?
Well after the orientation, we had the option to sign up for a 17 week fitness experience. I was gung-ho!!! This 17 week journey will incorporate all 3 things needed for life long fitness. so how is it going? Well here is a brief synopsis!
Food: I HATE VEGETABLES!!! I sound like a six year old when I say that and that was my negative attitude talking...at first. I have been eating like I should now for a week. No sugar, limited fat and I have to say that my attitude is changing - slowly but surely. Shawn says we need to eat 5 times each day - every 3 to 3 1/2 hours. I am working on that and although yeah it is time consuming to cook fresh everything everyday - I am starting to get a routine down which makes life a lot easier. Nothing in life that is "good" is easy. Marriage is hard, College is hard, kids are hard sometimes but those accomplishments are also the GREATEST things in the world and being healthy, even though it is hard, can feel so good when you do it right!!!
Fitness: I am LOVING IT!! I don't know if I will be saying that in a few weeks but I am starting to get into a routine...when I heard six days a week workouts I thought - are you CRAZY I have kids, a job and a life - you expect me to make that work? But I am making it work!!! Flex Fitness has an INCREDIBLE kids center - it costs 1 dollar per child per visit - so it is 2 bucks every time I go - since I cut out fast food and eating out, I can pay for childcare 6 days a week and STILL save money...so cool! Rod came with me yesterday for the first time. I kid you not, he was eating meatballs on the way to the gym!!! He has been lax in the working out too and he was so glad he went - and it is so super to have somebody to work out with - a gym buddy...I feel supported!!
This has been a wild week. Today at 2 I will go in for my first personal training session and will learn my first "workout routine" for the week - so excited!!! I plan to write everyday...to update, share healthtips, recipes and even a "before picture" (I am dreading that!!!) I would love for you to join me at Flex in Holland. Shawn and his family are SO great, they are JQ listeners and they are so supportive in my journey - it is worth the call just to check things out. There is no pressure, there is no sales pitch, Shawn and his family really just want you to be healthy - they care that much ....pretty cool! Website is http:www.flexfitnesscenter.com and it is work a look!
I will talk to you Monday - have a great weekend~!
Feel free to e-mail me and we can chat!
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