So I have been wearing glasses since I was six years old - glasses are not my friend!!
I love the fact that contacts were invented - contacts are my friend!
So I have this eye infection - it's gross - and I have to resort back to my glasses and I am being so bad about it. I just have a complex about it b/c I think of how horribly I was teased as a kid for having "nerd glasses" and so I see that everytime I look in the mirror - do I need therapy? =)
Actually - I am thankful I can still see out of this eye and hopefully will be able to wear my contacts soon but I was reminded of that today as I sit at the computer looking out from these coke-bottle size lenses (I am truly blind without them~) =)
Been having a good week.
Doing a lot less of the BLT's (that's what we call bites, licks and tastes) so often just a spoonful of this or a taste of that doesn't seem like a lot but 10 BLT's throughout the day is NOT good! So I have that down now...only 1 BLT today - and it was totally worth it!!! =)
I am finding that gum helps a lot with that - when I get the craving - I pop the gum (sugarfree of course!!!)
I also read in a magazine that if you count to 5 before you have a BLT - you will often put that cookie or pizza or whatever it is down (peanut butter in my case). Try it - I think it really works!
We are lifting a lot of weights this week - but I don't fear it the way I thought I would - I did ok yesterday and I actually look forward to doing it tomorrow!! =)
Oh and 10pm all this week - that is an hour earlier than normal - I will shoot for 9:30 next week! Go Me!!!
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