So I have this problem - it's not a big secret and I am ok with it so I can pass it on to you now without secrecy or guilt!!
Almost everyday I have what I call a "snack attack" - without fail - it is a 3pm every day.
I do SO good at work - eat what I am supposed to and stay away from the pitfalls of the office candy dish and the home baked goods in the break room. The story is different when I get home...Basically, I have an addiction to cheese and chocolate...there I said it! I could eat cheese all day everyday on ANYTHING! When I get home - I just crave cheese and alot of other salty or chocolatey yum yums that sound delicious at the time. Now to combat this problem - I don't have any junk in the house. If I don't buy it - it is not there!!! Now of course, you may relate to this...I often justify a few bad choices at the grocery - claiming they are "for the kids" - oh really!?!? =)
Anyways - long story short - I found this treat called "Swirl Stix" - you can find them at Sam's Club and they basically have nothing in them no sugar, no carbs, 10 calories, 1 gram of fiber...just delicious air =) The kids like them - it is a GREAT alternative to ice cream (which is my other downfall). So I am really making an effort to stop the 3 o'clock snack monster and so far - going well!!
My wonderful husband made me feel like a queen yesterday! I got home from the gym and after playing catch up trying to get back to normal after being out of work for so long - I was in no mood to cook...I walk in the house to find a complete meal made for me and the kids. He served me on the couch so I could watch Entertainment Tonight (very important television!) and veg out. What a doll! He cooked, did dishes (ok well kind of did dishes...what I call the "man version" of dishes....dishes washed, but no cupboards, table, oven wiped or sweeping the floor...nonetheless...wonderful!) and even put the kids to bed - I had the whole night to myself - he deserves a medal. That's what is great about my husband, he just knows when I need a night like that - =)
Have a good day!! =)
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