So I am not the most organized, together person on the planet. I ASPIRE to be... but I am nowhere near that goal!
My mom is CLASSICALLY known for not paying attention when she is driving. One of her children could be walking right in front of her vehicle (2 feet away) and she would be oblivious to it. I am becoming my mother.... =)
Picture this... Saturday night, 8pm. We are late having dinner and decide to order a pizza. I load the kids in the car to get cash for the pizza and pop. I get to the atm machine and the kids begin to distract me with questions of why the lady in the atm machine wont spit out candy with the cash... =) at that moment the cell phone rings, the kids are asking still asking questions and I realize that i didn't order mushrooms on the pizza and my husband is going to be bummed. Cash comes out of the atm - i grab it and i take off...never even thought about grabbing the card.
I don't realize it until the next day on the way to church...totally out of gas....and NO atm card!
I am REALLY hard on myself when I make mistakes...I told my husband that is why God didn't bless me with athletic talent because I would be too hard on myself when i made a bad play and end up going crazy (er than i already am) =) Everything turned out fine...the bank has my card - and i have learned a valuable lesson about PAYING ATTENTION - tell the kids to be quiet for just a few minutes, don't answer the phone and forget about the mushrooms =) if only it were that easy!!
Thanks for you BLOG. I love to read it...
I'm too old for the internet...
Too funny Mandy! That totally sounds like something I would do. I now have the habit of checking to make sure I put my keys into my purse 3X before getting out to go to Meijers. I've locked myself out with a cart full of groceries and two kids before. Yikes!!
been there....
I have done that very thing...
Glad to have you back!
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