There is this old Family Circus cartoon that my mom used to have taped to the refrigerator when we were growing up. It has the mom walking through the house picking up things that are broken and messie...her cookbook, her front room etc. As she continues to find things that are messed up, she starts to fume. She turns red and those little !@#$* appeared in her thought bubbles. She begins to march upstairs to where she knows her son, the guilty party, is hiding. As she opens the bedroom door - she finds her little boy curled up and asleep on mommy and daddy's bed. She melts as she scoops up her boy and kisses him. A good reminder that although disobedience should be punished, there is something about a sleeping child that makes all the anger melt away. My mom used to have pictures of her 6 kids attached to that cartoon - her own personal reminder, I guess =)
So the other night I peeked into the toyroom while I was making dinner and saw just about everything turned upside down, and my new magazine ripped to shreds. I knew the boys went up to play in their rooms and I headed up to give them a good talking to and make them clean up the mess. I opened the door to my room and found the picture above. They had fallen asleep in our room - holding hands and sleeping cheek to cheek....how can you be mad at that? So instead I grabbed my camera, and will now put this on my fridge as a reminder to sometimes let the little things go....=)
Awwww aren't they precious?!
Sleeping babies and babies in the tub are about the sweetest things ever! :) It does make all the grrr moments melt away!
I remember seeing a cartoon once of a mom looking at her sleeping kids and saying "If only I could think of them as sleeping instead of RECHARGING."
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