Hello all!
Just got back from a weekend at Boyne Mountain which was really pretty this time of year. I always hear people around saying they are "going up north" and I never really knew what that meant...but now I do - and it is lovely. We went in the off season but it was great weather so we could not have asked for much more!
My boys have been on this kick lately of wanting to be super heroes. Owen (in the glasses) always walks around with a sword in his back. He even has one here that you can't see well...and the glasses to make him extra cool. And Jack took about 4 pictures before he was happy with his "fightin' face". It is so wierd to have boys b/c I come from the world of Barbie Dream Kitchens and Baby Alive. I am really starting to see the differences between boys and girls. I even picked up the book "Bringing up Boys" by Dr. Dobson. Have you read it? My mom said it was a must read and I thought that it could help me "understand" the world of boys... In the meantime I am loving the super hero kick...mostly because I get to be Wonder Woman and who doesn't want to wear that outfit?? =) I really dig the power she has coming out of her armbands....gets the boys everytime - =)
What cute kids! Aren't boys fun? I have 2 girls and 1 boy and am amzed at the difference.
As a mom of two boys I know the fun. Mine are 20 months apart and are very close - they even have their own language sometimes. Knowing what makes them tick can be a challenge and I have not read Dr. Dobson's book but hear good things about it. You might want to check out the video series - the church I go to has it in the library. Hubz and I have talked about checking it out just have not yet.
Enjoy these superhero days - we just love playing like that too! I think they always will remember how Mom took time to play like a kid with them. A fav in our house is hide-and-seek. Love the muffled giggles when you are close to seeking them :)
Those are the most precious boys I have EVER seen!!! (Tell them Grandma says "Hi")
You have to read that book- it is seriously a MUST! I learned sooooo much!!!
Hi Mandy, It's Vikki form the bus/Biloxi (I came with my daughter Kaitlyn) I have a little boy of my own at home who wants to be a super hero when he grows up. I have a hard time keeping him out of costumes long enough to attent church and school. Though Wal-mart doesn't seem to mind when he shows up in a cape, thread baren red tights and inflatable muscles. I had to laugh when he hugged me goodbye before boarding the bus to Biloxi. He sweetly and thoughtfully asked me if I would tell Mrs. Sippi he loved her.
I read "Bringing Up Boys" by Dobson a couple of years ago. We've got 3 of them. Josh is now 13, Chad is now 11 and Riley is now 8. There was something in the book that said it would be a good idea to go ahead and ask your kids how you're doing as a parent. I told myself that I can take a little criticism for the sake of improving, I'm really going to ask them! One night while putting them to bed, I asked each one separately "How am I doing as a dad? How can I improve?" I expected to hear things like.... "I didn't get the bike for Christmas like I wanted" or "You didn't take us fishing as much as you said you would" or "You didn't take us golfing yet". I think I asked Riley (then probably 5 or 6)first. He didn't have anything real profound to say. Basically that I was doing fine. Josh (then about 10)was next. Still nothing to really help me out. When I asked Chad the same question he immediately started to think. This could mean trouble for me. He laid in bed and pondered for just a bit more and then told me," I think you're doing better than I thought you'd do." I could hardly get out of his room fast enough without laughing! What a comment! TM
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