Thursday, May 17, 2007

Graduation Day!

I heard from an "anonymous" source that I was going to set a record for comments on my "neglected" blog - so I figure I better get back to it and try my hand at blogging again! =)

I am having one of those know when you feel a lot of mommy guilt and even feel a bit like a failure...that's how I feel this week - just putting it out there - not always rosy you know?

Jack my 5 year old graduates today from preschool - I think on a normal week I would be ok with it but on "super sensitive mommy guilt week" =) I am having a hard time with it. My mom always said that when I (her oldest) went to kindergarten it had a huge impact on her because you instantly reflect on those first 5 years and are faced with the fact of did we do enough to prepare him/her for the next step - I pray that we did...and as I watch him sing his songs tonight (which he said he is only doing because Grandma is coming and he normally wouldn't sing because singing is "boring") I am going to reflect on that question and be thankful for the summer month ahead to have a little extra time with him before he takes that "big step"

I'm a mess..... =)
Have a good Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!!! We missed you!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back - I missed you too! Anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy, I know what ya mean about those super sensitive mommy weeks. I also feel guilty over if I did enough with my now four year old boy. They get big so quick! You are doing a fantastic job, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Keep blogging. We love to here about you an the family.

Krissy-Pooh said...

Good to have you back. I under-stand the mommy guilt thing all too well when he has his little temper tantrums and hits other kids, which isn't good at all. He is so naughty, but I think that has to do alot with him being an only child and because of the fact that he isn't going to daycare on a consistent basis like he should be. He will be going back to daycare in a few weeks when my husband finally starts a new job. My son is almost 2 1/2 and I am hoping that everything that I do with and for him every day doesn't go unnoticed by him or anyone else. I know that God is always going to be with me when I feel like I am messing up.

God Bless!!!


Anonymous said...

Mandy question for you -

Did you hate to write papers in college???