My brother (who is only 2 years younger than me mind you) was appalled that I text. He says that i am WAY too old to text...and i need to give it up... =)
So my question - am I too old to text??
Here is my thought: I talk on the radio for a living - but there is something in me that doesn't really like to talk on the phone...go figure. Maybe I get all my talking out during the show and i have nothing left to say, I don't know, but I do know that texting is so much easier!!
My husband and I text each other every day -we say what we need to say and that's that. Now, if we have an issue to work out or lots of details to discuss, the phone is the right option but i see nothing wrong with texting - it saves time!
Am i too old to text? Have I passed that line where now i just look like a dork or i am trying to be young? Or is it ok to text??
Don't listen to your brother lol You are never to old to text. Text messaging is easier sometimes. I'm 22 and I am telling you your not to old to text! Have a great Day!
You are definitely not too old. My word, you just turned 30! In many of those surveys where they ask you to color in the square where your age lies, ages 18-30 get lumped together. It's still in the cool group. Now, next year... just kidding.
I am several years older than you and my husband & I text each other all the time. For quick things it is much simplier than an entire phone call. It also is a way to say I love you during the day (as well as flirt :)
Thank you for your comments!
I feel better now...I also agree that texting is a good way to flirt that made me smile!
Text on all of us "old people"!! = )
noooo you are not too old to text. I am the same as you, I do not like talking on the phone (mostly because I will be on the phone for hours!) and texting is simple and quick. I like Email for that too!
I am way, way older than you and I text my kids all the time. It's a great way to stay in touch, even though I would like to hear a voice on the other end it still gets the message sent.
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